Naijatechworld: Ways of Making Money On The Internet Via Affiliate Marketing

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ways of Making Money On The Internet Via Affiliate Marketing

The most popular and rather straightforward way of making money on the internet is by becoming an affiliate marketer. As an affiliate, you will be given a link which you will promote. Your primary responsibility would be to drive people to your merchant’s site through your link. You can promote anything under the sun. From ebooks to hard goods like computers and LCD Flat screens etc.

The popular affiliate channel is where you can lock your membership for free. Another one is Commission Junction at There are also a number of merchants who have their affiliate programs where you can promote their products and get nice fat commissions. You can even check for an affiliate program for selling playstations. Another popular site you can check out is It has multitudes of affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are sometimes called “referral programs” or “associate programs”.

That explains it, doesn’t it? It’s precisely what we do in our daily lives, recommending products we like to our family and friends. We get nothing when they purchase through our word of mouth marketing. So with affiliate marketing, you will make recommendations and get paid for your efforts. Your reward will be directly proportional to the efforts you make in promoting the merchant’s products. We cannot therefore escape the following question… How do you promote products as an affiliate? This ebook is not about traffic generation but I will endeavor to cover the essentials of promoting a product on the internet. There is one fatal mistake that you don’t want to make early on in your marketing efforts. This can kill your money making efforts before you go any far. Please pay attention to this as it is crucial to your affiliate marketing success.
Are you ready for this?
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YOU DON’T WANT TO DIRECT PEOPLE DIRECTLY TO THE MERCHANT ACCOUNT. I’m sorry I shouted but I couldn’t help it. Newbies make this mistake all the time. I also made it when I started. Research indicates that people will buy after being exposed to what is being sold 5 to 7 times. So if the person is sent directly to the sales page of the merchant and does not buy – you have lost that person for good. How then do you solve this problem? Have a Website (Squeeze page) The website commonly referred to as squeeze page will collect names and emails of prospective customers. Creating a website or minisite is very simple. Don’t despair because of it. Let me repeat that again.

It’s very important for you to internalize it. Creating a website or minisite is simple. Don’t despair because of it. If you despair, your internet business will not take off because of believing that you’re constrained by inability to create a squeeze page. And serious inaction may set in. Here are examples of basic squeeze pages (it doesn’t have to have enormous amounts of graphics for it to be effective) Side comment At the end of this ebook I will give you links to the resources you can utilize to kick start your online money making efforts. For now concentrate on assimilating the information I am giving you! What will you use to collect names and emails? Squeeze Out Their Names and Emails With Autoresponders Autoresponders are the best things that happened to internet marketers.
The popular ones are aweber and GetResponse(it’s cheaper) I personally use Aweber and it functions exceptionally well.
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Invest in it right at the start. Don’t put off buying it as I did. It’s one of your best investments in online marketing. Autoresponders go for $17.95 to $19.95 monthly but if you pay for the whole year they may knock off $60/$70 from the entire year. Believe me when I tell you that you won’t struggle in using an autoresponder. When I first started, I tried the free autoresponders but I never made any inroads.
Don’t waste your time with free trials too. Stick to aweber and GetResponse. If you’re not willing to invest $19.95 monthly, then I have to put it bluntly to you; You’re not yet ready for generating money online. Try and you may “succeed” So once you have their names and email, they will be directed to the sales page of the product you’re promoting. If they don’t buy you will follow up with messages preloaded in the autoresponder.

If they buy, that would be cool. And you will sell them similar products in the future. So you will be basically building your email list. “List is king” “The money is in the list” You may have heard that numerous times. Your list is basically money on demand. Send them informational messages as well as products you’re recommending regularly to your email list.
So ensure that they give up their name and email by providing free valuable information that is not easily obtained elsewhere. Once you do this, your marketing will become interesting and easy. It’s not rocket science I can vouch for that. But what’s the best technique of selling as an affiliate? Presell – Don’t Sell Outright Before someone goes to the merchant site you may provide a review of the product in your website or blog. Don’t sell.
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People hate being sold to. Presell. People should be moved to buy. You want to make it like it’s their decision to buy. Not you selling to them forcefully. You can check out the reviews I made at my website for some internet marketing product reviews. To be credible promote products you believe in. You will have much success if you have used the product. It will be easier to highlight the strong points of the product. You will also mention the weaknesses in subtle manner. As long they’re not glaring. How does one really begin to make serious money from the net? Or how do you make internet money as some people like to ask?

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